Thursday, June 17, 2010

San Diego's Opera Singing Chef!

Have you seen anything like this?

About Elizabeth...

Chef Elizabeth grew up in the woods of West Virginia and later in the suburbs of Chicago.

Much of who she is today shines through during her cooking classes where Chef E. shares her “small town” wisdom on life, love and music with the people of San Diego where she lives with her husband, daughter and two dogs.

Chef Elizabeth received her love for cooking from her mother who was an accomplished musician, composer, poet, and adventurous chef, and from her French godfather, who, along with Elizabeth’s mother, prepared amazing meals using farm-fresh meats and produce from local orchards.

Proud owner of a worm compost farm and a small vegetable garden, Chef Elizabeth encourages cooks to be resourceful and more aware of how they, as individuals, can help to preserve the environment. Whether it means, using a milder soap, or using a product that was more conscientiously produced, Chef E. tries to offer a greener approach.

Chef Elizabeth has been interviewed on radio and appears several times a year on the local television stations where she promotes her upcoming concerts and cooking classes . She teaches cooking classes in many San Diego County venues including museums, botanical gardens and thru Oasis, a nationwide senior education program.

Elizabeth’s love for food pales only to her love for music. One of her life’s quests as been to learn how to sing more freely. Finally, with the help of her teacher Pandeli Lazaridi of the “Small Opera of San Diego” Chef E’s voice was set off on a course of free singing, where a direct connection to her support was finally realized.

Chef Elizabeth enjoys bringing musicians and audience together via her live cooking classes or recorded programs. She recently released her first CD, The Good Woman, which can be purchased from her website, and features a children’s choir, soloists and two adult choirs singing sacred music.

Chef E is in the process of filming a series of cooking shows with opera-singing guests. Each show has a theme like songs from Lakme and foods of India. This site lists classes and appearances and provides a way to contact Chef Elizabeth directly.

Coming Soon... More Recipes from Elizabeth!

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